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On-Demand Webinar

The Pitfalls of Sales Forecasting (and What to Do About Them)

Accurate revenue projections set the stage for the entire company-wide plan — which puts a lot of pressure on revenue and finance leaders to get it right. And yet, inaccuracies run rampant. This webinar will focus on the details of effective sales forecasting by walking through some of the pitfalls that lead to those inaccuracies.


About the Webinar

Accurate revenue projections set the stage for the entire company-wide plan — which puts a lot of pressure on revenue and finance leaders to get it right. And yet, inaccuracies run rampant. This webinar will focus on the details of effective sales forecasting by walking through some of the pitfalls that lead to those inaccuracies. Our experts will discuss pitfalls like:

  • Choosing the wrong drivers and assumptions for the model
  • Building the sales forecast with the wrong financial model
  • Misaligning expectations between revenue and finance leaders
  • Failing to revisit the forecasts often enough and adapt to new circumstances


Peter Nesbit

COO, Teampay

Mark Ripley

VP of Sales, Mosaic

Matt Gahr

CRO, Spiff

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